Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I would appreciate the rain if I had pants that could tuck into my rain boots.

Busy girl is an understatement! I'm working on quite a few things, including finally getting my bathroom into shape.

Plain, plain, plain. I don't yet have "after" pictures considering there's still lots of things I'd like to fix up before I can feel really proud of what I've done. Since these "before" pictures were taken, I've put up a shower curtain, put in a bath rug, got some new towels and some random trinkets.

I found the glass pieces and tin tray at the local Goodwill for under 7$ and am actually very happy with them! I cleaned everything up and have filled the glasses with Q-tips, cotton balls, and hair pins--- they all sit happily on the tray on top of the toilet. 

I pulled out my embroidery circle to start working on a piece for the wall! I designed the pretty vintage-inspired sign on tracing paper, scanned it into Photoshop, and then found a great font for my little phrase. After I situated it how I wanted it, I printed it out and then using a makeshift lightbox (piece of glass in front of a lamp), traced it out onto some fabric and got to embroidering! It still has a long way to go and I'm hoping to not run out of the green thread in the picture before I finish the design!

I also spent some time designing some recipe cards on Photoshop! Turns out I've been hoarding an Italian cook book from the library and figured I might as well get on with the whole business of turning it back in! I used watercolor and painted the little sink+dishes drawing after seeing a free clipart of it online, scanned it into the computer, fixed it all up and did the layout in Photoshop. Printed it out on some card stock and now I have my own, one of a kind recipe cards! 

And on the topic of libraries, I also picked up a French textbook. More info on that soon, though- including a video! (it's been a while, hasn't it?)

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